
Gelato Side of Life

Why am I so excited about Rome?

Oh yeah.......cuz it's Roooome!

Trevi Fountain

Vatican City


OMG you've got to kidding me!! Is that a real thing?! Does gelato look that good?! HOW COME NO ONE EVER TOLD ME?!

Okay, that picture is going to have to carry my spirits through this Monday, where I'm operating on 4 hrs sleep and my old roommate's little brother is in the office temping and therefore doubling my dose of that family. It's intense. And annoying. He's 16, but whenever anyone talks to him, she rushes over and answers for him. What a weird family...

SO! Gelato! Vatican! Valentines Day coming but I'm not going to be bummed out! Just....think....gelato!!!!

Always look on the gelaaaaato side of life (whistle whistle whistle)!

1 comment:

  1. Gelato is the POO!!! Try the White Cream one. It's ridiculously delish.
